Vol. 29, Issue 1, 2019January 01, 2019 EDT
Investigation & Litigation: How Agencies’ Use of Surveillance Technologies, Including Wire-tapping, Impact Current Criminal Investigation and How the Use of DNA Has Propelled the Criminal Justice System Into the 21st Century
Investigation & Litigation: How Agencies’ Use of Surveillance Technologies, Including Wire-tapping, Impact Current Criminal Investigation and How the Use of DNA Has Propelled the Criminal Justice System Into the 21st Century
Kimberley F. Wallace, Stephen P. Hogan, Eric Galarneau, Michael Deyo, Jennifer M. Assini, Melissa Breger,
Kimberley F. Wallace et al., Investigation & Litigation: How Agencies’ Use of Surveillance Technologies, Including Wire-Tapping, Impact Current Criminal Investigation and How the Use of DNA Has Propelled the Criminal Justice System Into the 21st Century, 29 ALB. L.J. SCI. & TECH. (2019).