Vol. 33, Issue 2, 2023June 17, 2023 EDT
Eyes in the Sky: The Dangers of Dragnet Government Surveillance, the Inadequacy of the Mosaic Theory, and the Need for a Legislative Solution
Eyes in the Sky: The Dangers of Dragnet Government Surveillance, the Inadequacy of the Mosaic Theory, and the Need for a Legislative Solution
Robert Donald Fairbanks,
Eyes in the SkyGovernment SurveillanceSurveillanceCameraMosaic TheoryLegislativeSolutionInactionCourtJudicial Inaction
Robert Donald Fairbanks, Eyes in the Sky: The Dangers of Dragnet Government Surveillance, the Inadequacy of the Mosaic Theory, and the Need for a Legislative Solution, 33 ALB. L.J. SCI. & TECH. 236 (2023).